
We rise and fall together, our hearts still beat alone.

It's almost been a week. Only four more days to go. But, I'm hoping it might be released tomorrow. On the other hand.. i can't buy it until next Friday.. so it if wants to wait for meh, that is great too. (That way I don't have to hear everyone talking about Mess Of Me - aaaaaand, I haven't even heard it..) The boardies are awesome though. :)

Switchfoot is apparantly still woring on it.. some problems with management, and they're doing packaging now. From Jon's Twitter:
Sitting up in the front lounge with Andy and the fellas finalizing the packaging for Hello Hurricane. Love it! @jonathanforeman

*yawns* Stoked.. and tired. I believe I should have slept last night, instead of going through a Photoshop drought and taking 2 hours to make a Stephen Christian photoshop while watching Prison Break - the Movie. It was good :)



Hello Hurricane, can you get here any faster?

Spent a while chatting with other boardies today about HH. TODAY - is now, supposed to be the pre-order release date of HH. We've found it up on Bandfarm, and then taken down. We've put it in the shopping carts .. and then it's disappeared. We want to hear Mess of Me. We WANT to pre-order it. Hello, Hurricane - Can you get here any faster? :)

On the other hand, Forget and Not Slow Down for Relient K (www.relientk.com) is now up for pre-order. Go get it. Now. It's great. As well - there's been a Youtube leak, i'm guessing, as you can listen to Forget and Not Slow Down - the title track - here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PSQ6JALkZs .
Love it.

And if you like Linkin Park - Skillet's new album is out.. which someone sounds like Linkin Park, at least in my opinion. Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAOSy8WyqPk&feature=related

Alright. It's now 12:00 Pacific time.. i believe, in San Diego. Hello Hurricane, we're waiting.


Where'd the Hurricane go?

No, not a hurricane hurricane. The friendly-type hurricane that comes in a CD and is made by Switchfoot. I so didn't stay up waiting for the pre-order today. At least, there better be a pre-order today. There was rumors that it's been changed, but we'll see. AKEE. I want it.

Edit: So it was changed. :( To the 28th. Or sometime during this week.
Jon's Twitter post:
"Hey all, finalizing details for preorders- gonna B up within a week. So amped to get these songs into yours hands! Thanks for your patience."
Hopefully a week is two days. We will see.



PCD. Post Concert Depression. If Relient K, Owl City, Switchfoot, Anberlin, or Thousand Foot Krutch could come to where I live, oh, that would be amazing :) At least Article One is coming soon. <33

Buut, now, there's only ONE day until the Switchfoot HH pre-order is released. And I'm pretty sure I found a way to get this now. AKEE! :) So STOKED for this album, this may well be The Best Yet.


You wouldn't believe your eyes if a thousand fireflies lit up the world.

Owl City always makes me think of carnival rides, smiley faces, and cotton candy. There's this little kid happiness in all of the songs, aha, Adam Young is quite awesome :]
So that's pretty much all i've been listening to today since i've been trying to discover more artists. The funny thing is, most of the other music i listen to is alternative, or screamo. But everyone can use a little bit of poppy, happy music, i guess :P

I've wasted about three hours today looking through how to order items off Bandfarm sans using any forms of credit cards. Sadly, i have no credit card and my parents have a thing about using credit cards online to pay for, non-essential items. Well, non-essential items to them.
The new Switchfoot cd releases for pre-order in two days, aaand not only do you get a whole bunch of extra stuff with the pre-order, you can buy the collector's deluxe edition, which i somehow figure it juust might not be availible in stores. So i'm determined to get it. The thing is, the other two methods of payement so far is money order and cheque. I don't have cheques, or money orders.. unless I somehow convince my parents to loan me money and i'll pay them back, of course. Wish me luck. Lots of it. *fingers crossed*

The other two.. well, three, albums coming out soon that I'm absolutely STOKED for are none other than Relient K's new album, Forget and Not Slow Down, (visit www.relientk.com or www.tradema-rk.net ) , Thousand Foot Krutch - Welcome To The Masquarade, and Hawk Nelson - Live Life Loud. I'm only a die-hard fan of Relient K's (oh yes, the band is super nice (: ) - and it looks like you'll be able to get everything in stores- so I'll probably just run down on October sixthh. Hopefully the extra dvd Cale Glendening did for Relient K will be availible in stores.

I guess it's good i don't have a credit card, kinda - since I have a huge problem for merch, and i'd probably end up getting most of my clothes from Hot Topic, TWLOHA, and merch stores.. well, ok, probably not THAT bad, but you get the idea. Still though - I must get this collector's deluxe edition. I WANT the photobook - and the poster.. and all this. AND the cd. AND the b-sides. You get the idea :P


I absolutely love that song. And to think I didn`t know what it meant until today.
``Inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner``.
And i think that makes me love the song even more. It`s kinda that type of thing that everyone feels. You know, the feeling that you have, that you just can`t describe. When you`re sad - but for no reason? Or when you're happy just because, well, you're happy? - haha, I had no clue that a word for that even existed. So now, when your friends ask how you're feeling, and you have no clue what you're feeling, just tell them you're feeling "Alexithymic". Actually, at the moment - I am feeling quite alexithymic. Besides the whole parent-annoyance thing.
Ah well - music makes me feel better.

Music - is amazing. Without it, not just me - but so many people, would be at a loss. You can always find music to match your feelings. It can make you feel better, or it can help you rant. Currently - I've been addicted to three bands for at least 1 year and a half - if not more. Relient K, Anberlin, Switchfoot. <3 Love. Check them out. They're ahmazing.
Two other bands that have really peaked my interest are Article One and Thousand Foot Krutch. Article One is a pop-rock type band from London that got signed in 2007-ish by InPoP records. - and i saw them in concert this summer - which, noting, that they were great. The whole band is really, really nice too :) Just saying, you know you're addicted to a band when you listen to one song, 170-ish times in two-three-ish days. :P That song, was, Without You (It's Not Alright). Listen to it.
Thousand Foot Krutch - is a more, screamo-ish type band. They are also, AWESOME live. And very, very, catchy. Check out their new album, Welcome To The Masquarade coming out September 1st.

Matt Thiessen, Stephen Christian, and Jon Foreman have, by far, though, written some of my favorite songs. Stephen Christian - is the one who wrote the song Alexithymia, which is on their album Cities.

Yes- for Stephen Christian's writing skills :). Mentioning that- he writes some of the greatest songs i know - along with one of the greatest blogs. Check out Anberlin - and check out modesty.blogspot.com . It's way better than mine, promise. :) I mean, i just spent the last 40 minutes with my friend trying to figure out twitter and blogspot names. And let's just say that blogspot and twitter didn't like any of the names. The thing is, the people that have them - haven't touched their blog for 5 years?

Heh, anyways- if you've made it this far - and even discovered my blog, I congratulate you :)


First Post;

Bloggering starting now. Hopefully some of these posts will be interesting enough. And not just done at 1 AM when i have nothing better to do then, well photoshop. Or watch 24. And The Office.