
Your actions write the melodies, to the songs that we sing.

Cold time of year again *sigh*.
Fall is alright, but warm-ness is much better.
At least that means Christmas is coming! In four months.

Yesterday, Brand New Eyes was released by Paramore. Personally, I don't like it too much. The tunes are pretty good, but I find Hayley William sings too high at some points. Songs like Misery Business were better. The ending of Brick By Boring Brick is probably my favorite. Lyrically, I haven't listened to it enough.

There is also now one week until Relient K's new album comes out. Forget And Not Slow Down. :) The whole album is being streamed on www.absolutepunk.net, but you have to become a member to listen to it. I hate signing up for so many sites.
Anyways, I'm trying not to listen to it. Relient K fast until next tuesday.

Oh- as well. Article One concert coming! And i've got my tickets, unlike the last concert I missed.. Owl City. Fireflies is getting huge!

That's about it, see ya. Hello, October.


Every breath is a second chance.

If only that was true for everyone around you.
Yes, it's true. If you regret something you didn't do, often you can do it the next. But, what about the people around you?

I found recently that I've been acting in ways I regret around some of my old friends, which I don't talk to. And I'm almost pretty sure that they've noticed. And I just want to take that chance to go say hi to them in the hallways, or around campus. The one thing is, is well.. I'm just so nervous around them, and what they think of me now, after.. after all of this. It's stupid, but I just can't help it.
The worse thing is, last year, we were pretty damn close.
And it's pretty much my fault that I let it get like this.
Avoiding them all over campus? Stupidstupidstupid.
If i could rewind time, and take it all back, I would.

I hope, sometime, that things could get to where they were.
And that, this will prove, that even with people, every breath IS a second chance.

and i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss you



So, in the last week - all my three favorite artists have all released a new song/single..
You should check 'em all out, they're all really good.

1 - Relient K - Forget and Not Slow Down. This is their new single for their new album that releases on October 6th, also called Forget and Not Slow Down. It's been released to radio, and even though the sound is alittle different, it's still quite enjoyable. Love it. (www.relientk.com)

2 - Anberlin - True Faith. This is actually a cover from a 80' band called New Order, but I quite like it. It fits Anberlin. There's no high falsetto notes from Stephen, and the lyrics aren't as intuitive - i guess everything, for me, is toned down a bit, but it still sounds Anberlin-ish. The drum beat at the beginnning is sick. Get it here free from their twitter:
: @anberlin: Get TRUE FAITH for FREE from Amazon today: http://tinyurl.com/ktvssj song is here. http://tinyurl.com/nuvpvf. Go go go. (www.anberlin.com)

3 - Switchfoot - Hello Hurricane. (This deserves to be first.) In short, they've done a worldwide treasure hunt, a worldwide hide and seek, a worldwide scavenger hunt for these CD's. People are burning, finding and hiding (read previous post) I've found two, and hid one so far. It's amazing. And one of the best ideas I've ever seen/heard a band do. It's all over. Even New Zealand, Europe, Australia, and Guatemala. Even Iceland! Go find a copy. Noow. There's one everywhere. Toronto finally got one too. I believe it's in the Apple Store. Check their twitter (www.twitter.com/switchfoot) or check out the google maps to find one in your area. (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=102073120865749424288.000472745e767507ee97b&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=38.365962,92.724609&iwloc=0004729a6b5a7f694fbe0&source=embed)
Go. Now.

Hello Hurricane.


It's like the Amazing Race.

We're hiding copies of our new single, "Mess of Me" worldwide. The rules: If you get the song, pass it on-one at a time.

That's what Switchfoot is doing with their new single, and YES it is physical copies. Amazing. It started off in Encitiatas:
OK, just hid the first one. Every year the Bro Am stage at moonlight is right near a palm tree, the cd is there- jon

And it's gone on from there, to Canada, more parts of the US, Guatemala, Europe, and even Australia. :) Amazing. A world wide physical scavenger hunt. What other band would think of this? Switchfoot is so awesome. And yes, I've found one, and hid one. Let's keep it going.

Mess of Me sounds AMAZING.
Go find a copy. Or listen to 99x in Alanta. They're playing it on the radio station there.


Sk-sk-skull. Candy?

So, i have this really bad headphones of breaking pretty much all the headphones that I buy. In a really, short time. I believe the last ones I had lasted two months, and the others ones before that lasted three. There's also been other ones that have come and gone..
Anyways, the point is, my headphones don't last that one.

The last ones I got from Source. And when I got back to use the 1- year warranty, apparantly, it's not good unless you also purchase the extended warranty. SO. Even though, I'm currently putting a heck of a lot of funds up for different things. I caved, and got new Skullcandy headphones. And lemme me tell you, they are absolutely amazing. Also, since I got them on some one- day special. Yes.

I found that it makes everything more rounded.. you know, like having surround sound instead of.. flat sound, as i like to call it. The bass is super clear, as well. AND. drums. And they are absolutely, SO comfortable. So, yeah, I would definitly recommend them.