

So, in the last week - all my three favorite artists have all released a new song/single..
You should check 'em all out, they're all really good.

1 - Relient K - Forget and Not Slow Down. This is their new single for their new album that releases on October 6th, also called Forget and Not Slow Down. It's been released to radio, and even though the sound is alittle different, it's still quite enjoyable. Love it. (www.relientk.com)

2 - Anberlin - True Faith. This is actually a cover from a 80' band called New Order, but I quite like it. It fits Anberlin. There's no high falsetto notes from Stephen, and the lyrics aren't as intuitive - i guess everything, for me, is toned down a bit, but it still sounds Anberlin-ish. The drum beat at the beginnning is sick. Get it here free from their twitter:
: @anberlin: Get TRUE FAITH for FREE from Amazon today: http://tinyurl.com/ktvssj song is here. http://tinyurl.com/nuvpvf. Go go go. (www.anberlin.com)

3 - Switchfoot - Hello Hurricane. (This deserves to be first.) In short, they've done a worldwide treasure hunt, a worldwide hide and seek, a worldwide scavenger hunt for these CD's. People are burning, finding and hiding (read previous post) I've found two, and hid one so far. It's amazing. And one of the best ideas I've ever seen/heard a band do. It's all over. Even New Zealand, Europe, Australia, and Guatemala. Even Iceland! Go find a copy. Noow. There's one everywhere. Toronto finally got one too. I believe it's in the Apple Store. Check their twitter (www.twitter.com/switchfoot) or check out the google maps to find one in your area. (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=102073120865749424288.000472745e767507ee97b&ll=37.0625,-95.677068&spn=38.365962,92.724609&iwloc=0004729a6b5a7f694fbe0&source=embed)
Go. Now.

Hello Hurricane.

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