
It's like the Amazing Race.

We're hiding copies of our new single, "Mess of Me" worldwide. The rules: If you get the song, pass it on-one at a time.

That's what Switchfoot is doing with their new single, and YES it is physical copies. Amazing. It started off in Encitiatas:
OK, just hid the first one. Every year the Bro Am stage at moonlight is right near a palm tree, the cd is there- jon

And it's gone on from there, to Canada, more parts of the US, Guatemala, Europe, and even Australia. :) Amazing. A world wide physical scavenger hunt. What other band would think of this? Switchfoot is so awesome. And yes, I've found one, and hid one. Let's keep it going.

Mess of Me sounds AMAZING.
Go find a copy. Or listen to 99x in Alanta. They're playing it on the radio station there.

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